Friday, September 13, 2013

Food For thought

                Looks and clothing matter in "Everything That Rises Must Converge." It's a world in which if you don't wear a tie you look like a "thug," and if you've got a briefcase then you must be respectable. Every character has a distinguishing feature or item of clothing,a hat, protruding teeth, or red shoes. And when we're introduced to the characters, we, along with Julian, make assumptions.
This idea of making judgments is powerful because it makes us think: why do we wear what we wear? Why do other people where what they wear? What do you think when you see someone dressed in overalls versus someone dressed in a tuxedo?
Sure, making judgments is just part of the tools we use to get through life. If you had to get to know everyone on your daily bus commute, you'd never make it to work. But O'Connor wants us to think deeper: what can we really know about a person or a literary character from their red shoes?

Friday, September 6, 2013

This is my first blog ever. I'm not used to writing blogs at all, but hopefully I adapt quick and learn to love it through the semester. we go! Today in class we talked about the book The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe. This story was about a man Named Montresor who is out to seek revenge on Fortunado, a guy whom supposedly insulted him. So he decideds to use Fortunados love for wine as a weakness and gets him to taste the wine. Enough to make him drunk. Montresor built a wall around Fortunado and buried him alive. And he later died??? I wasn't able to understand the story completely but me personally, I thought the story was ok. Hopefully this semester i'll read another book and actually like it.